Welcome to my website. I am involved in all kinds of activities, including:
Co-Showrunner of VCF Southwest
Developer of computing hardware like replacement keyboards for TRS-80 and ADM-3A.
Engineering Manager for Knight Electronics, Inc.
Audio/Video engineer for studio, live and field productions
AV technician for churches, nightclubs, and commercial installations
Motorcycle mechanic and enthusiast
Bass Guitarist for funk, rap and rock bands
FCC Licensed amateur radio hobbyist and ARRL member, callsign K5JCJ
Music business entrepreneur
Audio Engineering Society member
Project leader of Maxiterm software for the Colour Maximite 2 computer
Feel free to contact me any time with any question you may have, no matter how big or small. I hope you will take advantage of the resources I have posted on this site in order to make you more productive.